Developer's platform of programming text codes

Table of contents -> Chapter 17 - The default Teimsi's Framework and the sample projects

A "Framework" is a set of files with functions and operators already written that allows you by including them in a project; to make use of such tools to accelerate and give the project an excellent functionality.

The TEIMSI Framework is located within the editor's program folder (see "Locating the folder of the compiler"), there is the "tco_sources" folder which has many files with TEIMSI code. Some files are the source code for the object files or "Tco", to know it; those files have the "@tco_filename:" instruction followed by the name of the Tco file. TCO (TEIMSI compiled object) is the format for several files within the folder "tco_inc", the inclusion of Tco files for a project is done through a "include_tco" instruction and the inclusion of standard files ("*.thp", "*.tsi", .Etc) is done through the "includec" instruction. For example:

	includec(º_scriptdir_\local_bmp_compresion.thp)		//	Includes a file "local_bmp_compresion" (standard) which is found in the current ".Tsi" script's folder.

	include_tco(tco_inc\bitmaps\bmpobject.tco)		//	Includes the object file "bmpobject.tco" found within the folder "tco_inc\bitmaps" which is also inside the directory of the TEIMSI installation.

The following table shows the available files and if it's about the source code of a TCO file.

Path and filename of the FrameworkIs source of a TCO.Professional edition onlyDescription
tco_sources\bitmaps\bmpobject.thpYesNoIt allows you to load and save from a .BMP file, and also create a string variable with BMP_OBJ format.
tco_sources\bitmaps\bmp_objcompress.thpYesNoIt has functions that use a simple algorithm which compress and uncompress a BMP_OBJ string.
tco_sources\bitmaps\bmpdraw.thpYesNoIt allows the basic painting tasks (read/write pixel, draw a line or circle) for strings with "BMP_OBJ" format.
tco_sources\bitmaps\bmpfonts.thpYesNoIt allows to draw a letter or text on a BMP_OBJ string.
tco_sources\bitmaps\extend_paintdump.thpYesYesIt has a function that allows the painting by "dump a paint pot" in a BMP_OBJ string.
tco_sources\bitmaps\extract_hstrimage.thpYesNoIt has functions that allows to "extract" a copy of part of a BMP_OBJ image to another BMP_OBJ string.
tco_sources\bitmaps\img_adj_nitidez.thpYesYesIt enables smooth or anti-smooth (give some artificial sharpness) to a BMP_OBJ string.
tco_sources\bitmaps\img_escalar_br.thpYesNoIt allows to resize an image in a BMP_OBJ string variable. The scaling has the minimum quality.
tco_sources\bitmaps\img_hd_escalar.thpYesYesIt allows to resize an image in a BMP_OBJ string variable. High-Quality Scaling.
tco_sources\bitmaps\ipr_filterblack_br.thpYesNoIt has some features for specific tasks on BMP_OBJ strings (convert to black and white, .etc)
tco_sources\bitmaps\ipr_rotate90.thpYesNoIt allows you to rotate a BMP_OBJ image string 90 degrees.
tco_sources\bitmaps\jpg_to_bmpobj.thpYesYesIt allows to load a BMP_OBJ image string from a JPG file (using "tco_sources\jpg2bmp.thp", see example inside the file).
tco_sources\bitmaps\load_pscreen.thpYesNoIt allows you to capture the screen into a BMP_OBJ image string.
tco_sources\bitmaps\paint_hstrimage.thpYesNoIt has features that allow drawing a BMP_OBJ image within another (using a color specific pixel for transparency).
tco_sources\bitmaps\screen_to_jpg.thpYesYesIt allows to capture a part of the screen and save the image into a Jpg file.
tco_sources\bitmaps\supercolorln.thpYesNoThe "supercolorln" function loads the pixels of an imaginary line drawn on a BMP_OBJ image between two points averaging a unique color and transforming it in order to make its value to one of eight colors.
tco_sources\bitmaps\util_bmpfonts\fontobjcreate.tsiNoNoIt transforms a file called "baseletras.bmp" with cartoons of characters in other with the data expression for the assembler that can be relocated inside the file "bmpfonts.thp" (see file "tco_sources\bitmaps\bmpfonts.thp").
tco_sources\array2string.thpYesNoIt lets you convert data from one array to a string and vice versa.
tco_sources\click_move.thpYesYesIt has functions to simulate a "click" or mouse movement.
tco_sources\dir2string.thpYesYesIt lets get a directory listing and other things.
tco_sources\encrypt_v1.thpYesNoIt has functions of encryption and to get a "CRC" of a file.
tco_sources\extract_cab_file.thpYesYesIt allows you to extract a compressed file inside a .Cab
tco_sources\filesystem.thpYesNoIt has functions for the file system. (Choose Folder, move file, .Etc)
tco_sources\http_post.thpYesNoIt has some basic functions to make a visit to an Internet web page sending one variable through the "POST" method.
tco_sources\jpg2bmp.thpYesYesIt allows to make use of "jpgdll.dll" which can convert a ".bmp" file to a ".jpg" and vice versa.
tco_sources\load_pcinfo.thpYesYesIt has functions that provide some information for the current computer and current session.
tco_sources\odbc_teimsi.thpYesYesIt has functions for using OBDC (it's an experimental Tco file).
tco_sources\report_timelong.thpYesYesIt lets you to get a date expression from an integer returned by the "timelong" function (TEIMSI predefined).
tco_sources\round2string.thpYesNoIt allows to round a decimal number.
tco_sources\sort_strarr.thpYesNoIt allows to sort an array with strings.
tco_sources\sqr_matrix.thpYesNoIt has functions to find the determinant of an array or solving a N x N equations system.
tco_sources\string_compresion_v1.thpYesNoIt has a simple algorithm to compress and uncompress strings.
tco_sources\text2clipboard.thpYesNoIt allows to read the clipboard and write on it.
tco_sources\typek.thpYesYesIt allows to simulate writing text using the keyboard.
tco_sources\user_function.thpYesNoIt allows you to compile and run a mathematical expression at runtime and also link it to custom number variables.
tco_sources\wave_object.thpYesNoIt allows to read and write a .wav file to/from a variable string with "WAV_OBJ" format.
tco_sources\windowx_apps_info.thpYesYesIt has functions to get information about window programs running in the current session.
tco_sources\winkerinterface\winkerinterface.thpNoNoIt lets you create at runtime the main window of the application and its controls, also read and change properties of them.

For more information about the functions or the file's content, you should read the first page of the very same file in the TEIMSI Framework.

The sample projects.

The applications project samples are in the "projects" folder located within the TEIMSI editor folder (see "Locating the folder of the compiler"). In order to compile an example it may be required due to user privileges; to copy the example's folder (or the whole "projects" folder) into the "Teimsi_projects" located in the user "my documents" folder. The examples are described below.

Name of the project and folderDescription
1- Simple_hexstruseConverts small text strings into a notation whose ASCII codes are expressed in hexadecimal system and vice versa.
2- Mp3list_randomizerIt load the lines of "m3u" file with paths to music files (mp3, ogg, .etc), and creates a file with the lines (songs) in a random position.
3- Task_schedulerIt allows to alert daily activities at a fixed time of day.
4- Files_separatorIt allows to create a copy of a folder separating from the original folder, files with a certain extension.
5- IcomakerIt allows to create an .ICO file from a .BMP file, which is 32 x 32 pixels of size and it must be edited.
6- Priority_changerShows how to work with numbers entered by the user.
7- Mp3_finderAllows you to search music files in a folder.
8- BmpbrujulaDraw a background image of a compass and shows it.
9- Prime_numberDetermines a list with an arbitrary number of prime numbers starting from the number 2.
10- Wav440hzCreates a sound with frequencies of an acoustic guitar.
11- FunctioncalculatorAllows the calculation of any mathematical expression; optionally you can use the X and Z variables with fixed values.
12- SimplewinxconIt allows to create the main window of the application using the included file "tco_sources\winkerinterface\winkerinterface.thp".
13- Usercol_in_winIt's an application with a window created with "tco_sources\winkerinterface\winkerinterface.thp" which show a color using as input an hexadecimal number.
14- Bintod_sampleConverts any file into a special notation and vice versa.
15- IotestExample of use of the parallel port signals.
16- Asteroid1Small game that uses Opengl where the speed of an object can be changed through the mouse's movement and then change the trajectory of the others objects.
17- Grafica3dSimple three dimensions chart maker from an equation with two variables X and Z.

For more information on what makes a project and how it works, look the content of the ".tsi" file with the name of the project, it's located inside the folder with the same name.

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Some examples of advanced programming.

Among the sample projects described above, there are some which have programming in advanced level.

The following is an example of source code (script) of a line numerator program for giant text files.

; //########################################################################################################
		Unlike small files (about less than 500 kilobytes) text files larger should be treated differently or otherwise an insufficient memory error will be generated in the instruction "var arr_lines=explode(_nl,binary_read(arr_files[t]));", that happens because the "explode" function creates an array whose items are strings, each string uses a internal handler whose quantity is limited in our version of the compiler; also there is a long time consuming to build the array of rows. Therefore for processing big files it's recommended to speed up the task leaning on the assembler.
		The example below is relatively fast compared to other methods, although the sum of strings in TEIMSI may be much slower than in assembler. Be displayed as rows are fetched from a unique string that contains the contents of the input file.
		function main(){
		_savelocal: ult_linea dd ?,num_b_nl dd ?, pos_final dd ?, et_tocall dd ?, tmppos_esi dd ?
			// "_savelocal" declares local variables in the procedure expressed into assembler language.
			alert_ex("This sample program, will try to load the file \"huge.txt\", numerate it's lines and put the resulting text on the file \"huge2.txt\" !", "Information", _mb_iconinformation);
			var inputfile="huge.txt";
			var outputfile="huge2.txt";
				alert_ex("Unable to locate the file " + inputfile, "Information", _mb_iconinformation);
			var file_content=binary_read(inputfile)		//	Read the file's content into a single large string.
			var maxsizeline=2000, line=str_repeatn(" ", maxsizeline), reco_reti=0, strout=""	//	These variables are used in the processing of the input text, the "line" variable has a buffer space,
															// is where each row of the file is placed and should not be changed.
			var counter=1 	//	The counter indicates the number of initial row, it will increase with each processed row.
		//	The following assembler code located in block "_direct" is responsible for initializing variables that will be used by the internal routine "WALKOVER_TEXT"; that routine will be called in a "cycle" that will load each row of the file contents into the "line" variable.
	; //###############################
	//	These lines have a routine that processes each loaded row, the "processing_line" label indicates the start of this routine which is called from assembler.
		var line2= counter+"- "+line

		//	On this TEIMSI block, one might only write:  strout=strout+line+_nl, which would leave the output file "huge2.txt" with the same contents of the input file "huge.txt" but before that we process the line of the row to perform the desired "numbering" task.
		//	In this case the "line" variable should not be changed because its internal data buffer is used by assembler. The "reco_reti" variable has a zero, but you may indicate reco_reti=1 if I an error occurred (eg syntax error in the row), which will make that the line read cycle were interrupted and displayed the message "Error in the row " (contents of the row).
		mov eax, [reco_reti+reg.vo]
	; //###############################
			mov [tmppos_esi], 0				;	Load the pointer from memory and the length of the "file_content" string.
			mov eax, [file_content+reg.vo]
			mov ecx, [file_content+reg.nu]
			m2ma [et_tocall], (processing_line)
			mov [reco_reti+reg.vo], 0
			alert("Error found on line " +line)
		alert_ex("Written data on the file " + outputfile, "Information", _mb_iconinformation);


			;	Below is the "cycle" that puts in the "line" variable every row of the input text file.
				mov eax, [file_content+reg.vo]		;	Determine the pointer on memory with the file's content.
				mov [tmppos_esi], esi
				mov ecx, [file_content+reg.nu]
				mov [ult_linea], 0
				lea eax, [esi+ecx]
				mov [pos_final], eax
					mov ecx, [pos_final]			;	A row ends with a line feed character chr(10) or with the string chr(13)+chr(10).
					sub ecx, esi
					mov edi, esi
					mov al, 10
					or ebx, 1
					repnz scasb
					jz @f
						mov [ult_linea], 1		;	Activates last row indicator if it's reached the end of the file.
					jnz @f
						mov [num_b_nl], 1
						dec edi
						cmp byte [edi-1], 13
						jnz @f
						mov [num_b_nl], 2
						dec edi
					mov ecx, edi
					sub ecx, esi
				push esi ecx ebx
					cmp ecx, [maxsizeline+reg.vo]		;	To avoid problems the size of each readen row is limited.
					jb @f
						mov ecx, [maxsizeline+reg.vo]
					mov [line+reg.nu], ecx			;	The length of the row was loaded, now it's need to copy it to the "line" variable and process it.
					mov eax, [line+reg.vo]
					mov eax, ecx
					and eax, 3
					shr ecx, 2
					rep movsd
					mov ecx, eax
					rep movsb
					call dword [et_tocall]
					mov ebx, [file_content+reg.vo]		;	now adjusts the [pos_final] variable in case that the position in memory of the file's content has changed.
					mov edx, esi
					sub esi, [tmppos_esi]
					jz @f
						mov [tmppos_esi], edx
						add edx, [file_content+reg.nu]
						mov [pos_final], edx
						add [ss:esp+8], esi			;	esi = (oldesi - oldloccad) + newloccad
				pop  ebx ecx esi
					mov byte [esi+ecx], bl
					cmp eax, 1
					jz @f
					add esi, ecx
					add esi, [num_b_nl]
				cmp [ult_linea], 0
				jz task_c1


; //########################################################################################################

The following is program script example that determines the physical and virtual memory available.

; //########################################################################################################

		This program obtains information about physical and virtual memory using the "GlobalMemoryStatus" function from the kernel32 library. More information can be
	 found in the documentation of the Win * operating systems API's in the file "win32.hlp" downloadable from the internet using the links to the available tools of the Links chapter.
			dwLength		dd ?
			dwMemoryLoad		dd ?
			dwTotalPhys		dd ?
			dwAvailPhys		dd ?
			dwTotalPageFile	dd ?
			dwAvailPageFile	dd ?
			dwTotalVirtual	dd ?
			dwAvailVirtual	dd ?
		memory_info _MEMORYSTATUS
		MACRO copy_2tsi_dbl dest_tsi_dbl, mem_dword
			push dword 0
			push dword mem_dword
				fild qword [ss:esp]
				fstp qword [dest_tsi_dbl+reg.vo]
			add esp, 8
	var d_dwLength=0.0, d_dwMemoryLoad=0.0, d_dwTotalPhys=0.0, d_dwAvailPhys=0.0, d_dwTotalPageFile=0.0, d_dwAvailPageFile=0.0, d_dwTotalVirtual=0.0, d_dwAvailVirtual=0.0
		mov dword [memory_info+_MEMORYSTATUS.dwLength], sizeof._MEMORYSTATUS
		invoke GlobalMemoryStatus, (memory_info)
		copy_2tsi_dbl d_dwLength,       [memory_info.dwLength]
		copy_2tsi_dbl d_dwMemoryLoad,   [memory_info.dwMemoryLoad]
		copy_2tsi_dbl d_dwTotalPhys,    [memory_info.dwTotalPhys]
		copy_2tsi_dbl d_dwAvailPhys,    [memory_info.dwAvailPhys]
		copy_2tsi_dbl d_dwTotalPageFile,[memory_info.dwTotalPageFile]
		copy_2tsi_dbl d_dwAvailPageFile,[memory_info.dwAvailPageFile]
		copy_2tsi_dbl d_dwTotalVirtual, [memory_info.dwTotalVirtual]
		copy_2tsi_dbl d_dwAvailVirtual, [memory_info.dwAvailVirtual]
	var report = "Total RAM memory		= " + d_dwTotalPhys + _nl + "RAM memory being used	= " + (d_dwTotalPhys - d_dwAvailPhys) + _nl + "Total of virtual local memory	= " + d_dwTotalVirtual + _nl + "Virtual local memory in use	= " + (d_dwTotalVirtual-d_dwAvailVirtual) + _nl
	alert_ex(report, "Information about the System Memory:", _mb_iconinformation)

; //########################################################################################################

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